Pray for respect for life

I sincerely invite you all to pray diligently every day,
Especially pray for respecting life, may the Lord lead us,
Following the example of the Virgin Mary,
"May it be done to me according to your word!"
to respond to your gift of life.
- Bishop Li Binsheng of the Diocese of Macao
Respect for Life Prayer
Almighty God,
You are the source of all goodness,
We thank You for the gift of human life:
Thank you for creating life in the womb by your power;
Thank you for giving life to children,
They are full of youthful spirit and boundless prospects, we are very happy;
Thank you for giving life to young people,
Looking forward to them bringing a better world;
Thank you for giving life to the disabled,
teach us that every life has its value;
Thank you for giving life to the elders,
Let them realize that patience and wisdom are constant graces.
May we imitate the Virgin Mary,
"May it be done to me according to your word!"
to respond to your gift of life.
May we protect life and maintain it with our hearts,
From the moment of conception until the natural end of life.
Heavenly Father!
Please lead us through this life too,
And have eternal life in the fullness of life in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ya Meng.